Wood Wall Results

Wood Wall results are presented in the Wall Panel Design Spreadsheet and the detail reports.

For additional advice on this topic, please see the RISA Tips & Tricks webpage at risa.com/post/support. Type in Search keywords: Wood Walls.

Wood Wall Results Spreadsheets

See Wall Panels - Results for this topic.

Wood Wall Self Weight

The program will calculate the self weight of a wood wall based on the weights of the individual components. Using the material density, the self weight is calculated for the studs, chords, top plates, sill plates, and sheathing. These are all then summed for the total self weight of the wall.

Wood Wall Detail Reports

The detail report gives detailed information about the wall design. The detail reports are specifically molded to the type of design specified. Here we will walk through how to access the different information for each of the types of design: Segmented, Perforated and Force Transfer Around Openings.


Accessing the Detail Reports and the Specific Windows

Once you have a solved model, the detail reports become available. They are accessible in two ways:

  1. If you have the Wall Results spreadsheet open, you can right-click on a line in the spreadsheet and select Detailed Report. there will be a button at the top of the screen:. This will open up the detail report window.
  2. If you are in a graphic view of your model, there is a button that will open up the detail report window.


Once the detail report window is open, you will see a dialog area at the top.

The Wall detail report gives an overall summary of your wall, complete with governing code checks and opening information. The Opening detail report gives information to the header design for the opening as well as detailed information for the Force Transfer Around Openings method. The Region detail report only applies for Segmented walls. Below we have give detailed information on each type of design: Segmented, Perforated and Force Transfer Around Openings.

Segmented Method

The Segmented design method uses each of the three detail report windows to give design information.

Wall Window

This window gives an overview of the wall, giving controlling region information and deflection information. Note that this window only gives information on the full-height segments in your wall, as this is the basis of the Segmented method.

Input Echo

This lists information about the wall, similar to the Region report and also gives an image of the wall. The image shows the location of hold-downs/straps, regions and headers.

Design Details

The Region Information gives the tabulated results of all of the full-height regions in your wall.

The Opening Information gives the label, size, shear and bending code checks and the governing LC for each header in the wall.

Opening Window

This window defines the openings in the wall. The segmented wall design method assumes zero stiffness over the opening, therefore, there is no header design for a Segmented wall with openings. Walls specified as a Perforated or FTAO can be analyzed for a header design.

Region Window

This window gives information for your wall on a region by region basis. Note that only full-height regions of the wall panel will have a region detail report. The Segmented method only considers these full height segments in the design of the wall.

The region detail report is split into four portions: input echo, diagrams and design, design details, and cross section detailing. Note that in RISAFloor the detail reports are less detailed because RISAFloor does not consider lateral forces which RISA-3D does.

Input Echo

Below is the input echo portion of the detail report.

Criteria Description
Code Gives the code used to design your wall panel.
Wall Material Specifies the wood type assigned to the entire wall


Materials Description
Wall Studs

Specifies the wood material type assigned to the wall studs

Stud Size

Specifies the member size used for the wall studs

Chord Material

Specifies the wood material type assigned to the chords (vertical members at both ends of the wall)

Chord Size

Specifies the member size used for the chords (vertical members at both ends of the wall)

Top Plate & Sill

Specifies the wood material type assigned to the top and sill plates

Top Plate Size Specifies the member size used for the top plate
Sill Plate Size Specifies the member size used for the sill plate


Geometry Description
Total Height

This is the height of the wall panel region

Total Length

This is the length of the wall panel region

Region H/W Ratio This is the ratio of wall height to length, using the minimum wall height
Cap. Adj (2w/h) This is an aspect ratio reduction factor for the shear panel strength per NDS SDPWS section Exception 1 (2015). This factor applies only for seismic loads, thus it will be 1.0 for wind load combinations per NDS SDPWS section (2005/8). This factor is applied separately for each full-height region in your wall.
Aspect Ratio This is an aspect ratio reduction factor for the shear panel strength per NDS SDPWS section (2015). This factor applies only for seismic and wind loads on Segmented or FTAO walls. This factor is applied separately for each region in your wall.
Gov. H/W Cap. This is the governing (minimum) factor per the Cap. Adj (2w/h) and Aspect Ratios shown above. Only the minimum shall apply per NDS SDPWS section Exception 1.
Stud Spacing This is the optimized stud spacing based on your Design Rules
K This is the effective length, K Factor used for stud and chord compression design
HD Eccentricity This is the eccentricity of the hold-down connection. This is based on the manufacturer's catalog and measured as the distance from the center of the chord to the hold-down bolt


Diagrams and Design


Envelope Diagrams

These diagrams show the axial forces in the wall.


Design Summary  

This portion gives you the capacity and strength values at the section in the wall where the combined check is maximum, as well as the governing load combination. Much of this information is also reported in the Wood Wall Panel Design spreadsheets.


The provided capacities of these members are calculated using the standard provisions for tension/compression members. These members are assumed to be fully braced in the weak axis, and unbraced in the strong axis. For more information on the chord force calculations, see the Wood Wall - Design topic.

Cross Section Detailing

The last section of the detail report consists of the wall detailing information. This information is provided as a visual confirmation of the wall design. The wall thickness, and stud spacing are shown as dimensions. The chord sizes/forces and hold down or strap designations/forces are shown at either end.